QUESTION 1: After viewing the video by Fr. Spitzer on the spiritual (trans-physical) soul of the human person, name and discuss 3 key truths that you found insightful, helpful or altogether new to you.
QUESTION 2: What questions were raised for you by this video?
QUESTION 3: In light of Fr. Spitzer’s primary point, namely that each person has a trans-physical (aka spiritual) soul that survives the death of the body, why do you think it is important for those of us working in healthcare to take into account the fact that each of our patients has a spiritual soul, which will endure beyond the death of the body? If you are currently working in a healthcare setting with patients, do you have any examples you can share with the class regarding why this consideration is important?
QUESTION 4: In our assigned reading from our course text, Spirituality of Nursing, it is mentioned that in order to understand another persons spirituality, each nurse or health care practitioner needs to understand her or his own spirituality, as the basis from which one views the world. Why is this? Namely, the more we are in touch with our own spiritual journey, the better-able we are to accompany another person in her or his journey.
In our assigned reading from chapter 1 of our course text, Spirituality in Nursing, Dr. O’Brien offers 4 aspects of what the spirituality of each human person refers to, when this term is used. These can be summarized as follows:
1) A relationship with the Supreme Being, God, that directs ones beliefs, choices, and actions in a harmonious way, including ones relationships with others.
2) The dimension of a person that is concerned with ultimate ends and the greater purpose of ones life and existence.
3) An inner desire to transcend the material dimensions of this life and orient/understand ones experiences in this life in terms of the Supreme Being Who transcends all.
4) Source of inner-strength and sense of the sacred derived from ones relationship with the Supreme Being.
Which of these 4 aspects of spirituality stands out and offers meaning to you, personally speaking, as you reflect on your own spirituality? Tell us why – giving us some real “beef” in your answer. Really give this question some real and deep thought — before writing your answer.