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Health Promotion W#4: Pros and Cons

Health Promotion W#4: Pros and Cons

Discussion #1: Pros and Cons to Delivering Community-Based Participatory Care to Those Who Are Vulnerable.

Performing health assessments as an Advance Practice Nurse (APRN) will help you to develop a collaborative partnership with your patients.  After reading Chapter 4 and 12 in your Pender text (see attached chapters), think about the vulnerable population that you choose: COMBAT VETERANS – consider what you perceive / know about this group in relation to the following topics:

1. Health assets

2. Health problems

3. Health-related lifestyle strengths

4. Key health-related beliefs

5. Health behaviors that put the person at risk

6. Changes that could improve their quality of life

Now consider the pros and cons of implementing a Community-Based Participatory Research health promotion project with the vulnerable group. You should consider not only the benefit of the actions but the active role the vulnerable will play in the development and implementation of the health promotion plan. How does your population’s health disparities and health inequities benefit and/or hinder this type of project’s success? 

Remember that you should include citations/references from at least three scholarly sources.

Note: My background for you to have as a reference: I am currently enrolled in the Psych Mental Health Practitioner Program, I am a Registered Nurse, I work at a Psychiatric Hospital, where I also work with this vulnerable population.

APA style

Minimum 550 – 650 words.


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