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So I am in need of some help writing my TedTalk APA paper. I really can’t pull myself together to write it. 

Here is the link to the APA book the class is customer relations

View TED2018 – Tamekia Smith. How to train employees to have difficult conversations.  The link to this YouTube video is located in Week #6 weekly assignment in Canvas.  Explain Smith’s story about Ms. Margaret and employee resistance to change. Summarize Smith’s training program “I’m G.R.A.C.E.D.” and explain how this will “inspire bosses and employees alike to communicate with compassion and respect” (TED2018, 2018).

Use two peer-reviewed journal articles and the textbook to support your response (see “Course Resources,” “How to Find Peer-Reviewed Articles”).  You must cite.  Since your papers are research based (and not opinions), practically every sentence will be cited.  There is no word limit but the paper must thoroughly answer the questions provided and should be at least two pages of text. This assignment must be in APA format (see “Course Resources,” “APA Paper Format”).

For this paper, I have provided headings, which indicate what to write about (see the example below). Feel free to add subheadings.  Refer to “Course Resources” on how to use headings. Every paper should have a Conclusion

Correct APA format for reference and citation of a TED Talk:

The correct APA format for the reference of a TED Talk is (see page 209 of APA manual) (make sure you double space and use a hanging indent):

Producer [TED Talk or variation of]. (date). Speaker Name: Complete name of the TED talk.  Available from

A reference for a TED Talk is different from an article because the first “part” of the reference is the producer and not the author or speaker.  For this assignment, the reference would look like this (Note: Name of speaker and speech title are all italic):

    |Producer|                                   |Speaker and title of talk|

TED2018. (2018). Tamekia Smith: How to train employees to have difficult conversations. Available from

With a regular article, when you are citing authors, you use APA format:  Authors (year).  Recalling the reference, the first entry refers to the producer.  Since Smith is not the producer, you need to format the citation. When citing from the TED Talk, if you mention Smith’s name, the format is:

Smith (TED2018, 2018) described…

Otherwise, use (TED2018, 2018) at the end of a sentence.

The following is how your paper should be set up.

Title of your Paper

            You must have a paragraph following the title on page 2 that describes the background of the project. Introduce what is being discussed and researched.  Each paragraph needs to be a minimum of three sentences. 

Employee Resistance to Change

            Paragraph(s) about Heading #1.

G.R.A.C.E.D. Training Program

            Paragraph(s) about Heading #2.


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