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The rubric for this assignment is located below as well as in the Canvas course under the assignment link. Please refer to your specific faculty member’s expectations and grading.

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This first assignment is a three-part model covering scholarly communication models and how to utilize them in your environment. Professional communication is extremely important when having dialogue with co-workers, faculty, college student peers, and even family members. Having respectful dialogue is important as we should actively listen, consider other individual’s opinion and values, be aware of your visual cues, do not overpower others in meetings or dialogues/debates, speak the truth regarding of information, and always consider yourself in a professional setting. Part 1 will cover communication models, Part 2 will cover negotiating tactics in communication, and Part 3 will be a 5 to 7 minute audio and visual presentation illustrating Parts 1 and 2.

Part 1: Considering there are a vast amount of communication models and scholarly sources published on communication, for this assignment portion, you will research the following three chosen Models of Communication: (a) linear/transmission, (b) interactive, and (c) transactional. Please review the following examples of each communication model. Faculty use the linear (i.e., transmission) model to send information to students via announcements, pre-recorded ZOOM lectures, and other pertinent information within Canvas platform, which is designed to send information that could be important to ones success in a doctoral-level program. The interactive model of communication is based on how two consumers of information interact to develop relationships or engage their customers or in our situation, for faculty to engage students by utilizing interactive features of technology such as ZOOM. Although communication is important, this model is more about the interaction between individuals than the message. The transaction model builds dialogue between two or more individuals with the important process of feedback. An example of this model is when a faculty member reviews a student’s submission and immediately returns it with feedback. This immediate feedback is designed to help the student readily improve in future submissions and research. Please note that this type of communication is two-way as stated in the interactive model, but more direct and rapid. We use this feedback process in the strategic research project.

The following are models established by certain scholars:

Linear Model: Aristotle’s, Shannon-Weaver’s, Lasswell’s, and Berlo’s SMCR Model;

Interactive Model: Osgood-Schramm and Westley, and Maclean’s Models;

Transactional Model: Wilbur Schramm’s, Barnlund’s, Dance’s Helical, and Eugene White’s models.

Directions for Part 1: Now that you have a background regarding these three models of communication, explain how you would professionally use each model in three separate settings: (a) work, (b) college courses, and (c) personal. You will write at least three full pages regarding what you learned from these three communication models and how you plan to utilize them in the real world of work, college, and personal interactions. Each model will require at least two current scholarly articles, which totals six current scholarly sources (2016 to present).

Part 2 will provide you with the knowledge and understanding in order to apply negotiation tactics to reach a mutually favorable agreement for all individuals and/or groups. You should research many models regarding negotiating such as (a) Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), (b) Worst Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (WATNA), (c) Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA), (d) Verbal Judo, (e) Negotiating Jiu Jitsu, (f) Getting to Yes, and (g) others. After gaining knowledge of these models, you will have the ability to give detailed explanations how these models will be utilized to lead, negotiate, and influence with confidence in your everyday functions.

Directions for Part 2: You will select two of these models of negotiation tactics or select two of your own models via scholarly research. You will write at least three full pages regarding what you learned from these two selected models and how would you use them in the real world of work, college, and personal interactions. Each negotiation tactic you choose will require at least three current scholarly articles, which totals six current scholarly sources (2016 to present).

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