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Chapter 5-6 Discussion

Chapter 5-6 Discussion


  • Answer one of the discussion questions below in your post. Your own post should be at least 250 words.
  • Use the library to find sources that interest you or articles in the course resources/videos in the modules and listed in the course resources to support and enrich your views. Use APA-style citations.

 Questions to choose from:

Ch 5: Health and Prevention in Adulthood

Mediating Risk Factors. For many disorders or diseases with an adult onset, genetics may play a part. Which of the disorders or diseases in this chapter are in your family history? Assuming an interactionist model, what behavioral changes might mediate any genetic risk you have and prevent you from developing one or more of the disorders and diseases of adulthood discussed in this chapter?

Cultural and Racial Differences in Health.  For many disorders and diseases with an adult onset, there are racial and/or regional differences in the rates of incidence and mortality (death due to that disease). Give some examples from the chapter of diseases or disorders that are more common for some groups than others.  What can explain these differences in occurrence?  How can racial and cultural differences be related to genetic and environmental causes, and how might they interact?

Ch 6: Basic Cognitive Functions: Information Processing, Attention, Memory

Returning Students. Several of you have gone back to school after age 35.  For those of you willing to admit this…what differences in information processing, attention, and memory have you noticed?  How has your experience as a student been different than it would have been if you had done this when you were in your 20’s? How does the research cited in this chapter help you understand your challenges?

Stereotype Threat and Performance. Stereotype threat (p. 130) is similar to the age-old notion of a “self-fulfilling prophesy.” How do adults’ expectations for their cognitive performance help or hinder their cognitive functioning? How might you use this notion in your work or in your own life to facilitate your own or others’ optimal cognitive functioning?

Gaming and Cognitive Functions. Computer-based games, whether action video games, casual video games, or brain-training games, are used by more and more adults of all ages.  Can the changes in basic cognitive functions that result from playing computer-based games have an impact on other adult cognitive tasks, such as driving or work-related tasks?  Why or why not?  Is there research to support your conclusion?

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