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Chapter 6 Discussion – Qualitative Research

Chapter 6 Discussion – Qualitative Research



The goal of this discussion is to demonstrate your understanding of how qualitative research differs from quantitative research and the advantages and disadvantages of using this approach. This is discussed in section 6.31 of your textbook Links to an external site..

Quantitative research involves the analysis of numerical data. Qualitative research is another method used, which involves the analysis of non-numerical data such as the analysis of themes. While quantitative research can tell us about who, what, and where, qualitative research is better suited to answering the how and whys of human behavior.

A name that has become big in qualitative research over the past few years is Brene Brown. Brene Brown has a PhD in social work and conducts research on topics such as joy, shame, courage, and vulnerability. 

Before starting this discussion, please watch Brene Brown’s Ted Talk: The Power of Vulnerability Links to an external site.

If you would like additional information on the design, methodology, sampling, and coding processes used in Brown’s research, please take a look at this page of her website: Trust in Emergence: Grounded Theory and My Research Process Links to an external site..

Main Discussion Post – Due Wednesday by 11:59pm

Discuss Brown’s research using the following questions to guide your response: 

  1. How does the research conducted by Brene Brown differ from quantitative research?
  2. What qualitative techniques does she use?
  3. What are some advantages and disadvantages to Brown’s approach?

Answers to the above questions should be thorough and thoughtful. Shoot for at least four sentences per question, for a total of 12 sentences minimum.   

Response Posts – Due Friday by 11:59pm

Respond to at least two of your classmates. Please include the following in your responses:

  • Identify and describe at least one additional advantage and one additional disadvantage to Brown’s methodology.

Your response should add to your classmates’ discussion in a meaningful and substantive manner. Each response should be at least 6 sentences.


  • Your posts must be in your own words. Work that is not original will not receive credit. 
  • Your responses must be in college-level English.
  • Please refer to the rubric for full scoring criteria.

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