Must do in text citation from the textbook for each question, each question’s answer can be found in the textbook. No plagiarism copying stuffs from another students online answers.
For this first Guided Reading Questions assignment, please read “Composing Your Argument,” pp. 97-113 in our Writing Es.says about Literature text. The following review questions tie directly to the assigned reading.
For each question, please answer with a strong paragraph, drawing examples (meaning quotes) from the assigned reading where appropriate. I’m interested in seeing that you have read the chapter and absorbed the information so that you can now put the ideas in the reading into your own words.
1. Define and give an example of deductive reasoning.
2. Define and give an example of inductive reasoning.
3. What should the last sentence of your thesis statement contain?
4. Can you complete the following statement in a logical and meaningful fashion: “Since the beginning of time…”?
5. What should you do if your thesis statement just isn’t working?
6. What is the source of your topic sentences for the body paragraphs of your es.say?
Good rules of thumb for guided reading questions:
- Do your best.
- Show me you’re trying.
- Make a sincere effort.
If you do this, you’ll get full points.