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Human Behavior in Organization-Discussion post and comments

Human Behavior in Organization-Discussion post and comments

 Task 1:

Share a summary of your Work Place Analysis Assignment- To acquaint you with common behavioral analysis tools by using them to break down and view your organization in smaller elements and discover how each element can influence you individually and your organization as a whole.(Please see Attached Work Place Analysis Document -2 File)-as well as THREE takeaways from the readings/videos-Please find attached Documents (try for a minimum 200 words) -Just Summarize what you have learned from readings/Videos and Assignment.(Please refer two examples which are provided by my classmates below for task 1-Please dont copy paste)

Video reference link:

 Visit Hofstede site

1) Go to this link to compare the U.S. to another country in which you are familiar. For more information about this visit  

2) Hofstede’s Model on Cultural Dimensions 

3) Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People 

4) It’s the Situation, Not the Person 

Task 2:

Give comments to the below two summary postings (Use these examples for reference for Task 1)- (100 word minimum) 

Post 1: 

Hi All,

This week’s readings are more personal to me. I have experienced Cross-Cultural communication being difficult, Misinterpreted, Misunderstood leading to fights or disagreements. I am from india and culturally things we do in india are very different to American culture. I am American citizen now and i am not saying one way is wrong or other way is right. For example, in India, culturally marriages are arrganged. Parents and family members decide whom the daughter/son should marry. But living in 2023, things changed drastically but that was the norm. My daughter being born here, doesnt understand how is it fair for a person getting married do not get a say in her/his own marriage. I understand her point of view but it is the culture. Second thing i want to talk about is how culturally unconsicously it is in our mind that women connected to home and men connected to work like we saw in the video by Mahzarin R. Banaji – “Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People”. Though she has been working all her life, her mind culturally dont think its normal for women working and men at home. It is similar to our culture too. Also, it is very true how children as young as 2/3 years obsorb everything like their mind is a sponge. My daughter heard my husband saying a bad word once and used it at school which opened our eyes how kids just learn everything we say or we do. We were more careful from then on especially around kids. My third takeaway this week is from the article “The Power of Talk” by Deborah Tannen, how linguistic style are relatively different for men and women. Again in India, girls are raised to downplay when boys are raised to talk up their achievements. Like he author mentioned those who are uncomfortable with verbal opposition women or men they run risk of seeming insecure about their ideas and they lack of confidence.

Thanking your

Dhatri Alla.

Post 2:

In this week’s reading, I will be focusing on stereotypes. What is exactly a stereotype and what does it mean to me personally? I found it very interesting to learn about stereotypes in this week’s article. Our reading describes Stereotyping as a type of categorization that structures our awareness and directs how we behave toward racial and ethnic minorities. Stereotypes seldom characterize a specific person’s behavior; instead, they describe the typical for people in that particular group. Similar to other categories, stereotypes can be beneficial or detrimental depending on how they are used. People may understand new situations and react appropriately when stereotypes are used effectively. The takeaway from the stereotype part that was in our reading this week is to learn more about other cultures and individuals to dispel these preconceptions and treat everyone with respect. Another takeaway I have from this week’s reading is a cross-cultural misinterpretation, our reading was also To make sense of perceptions, interpretation is the method by which an individual provides meaning to observations and the connections among them. The article also teaches us how to work through cross-cultural misinterpertation, by determining the actions the others are doing, determining the thoughts that this behavior generates, and considering the cultural beliefs that are established in your heritage that lead to these anticipations and emotions. These are the ways that I have learned from this week’s reading. 



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