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Informative Speech Outline And Live Delivery

Informative Speech Outline And Live Delivery

Upload/import/paste your informative speech outline here. I will not download any files. 

The speech is worth 75 points. The final outline is worth 25 points.

As always, grammar, punctuation, and syntax count. 

NO LATE SUBMISSION WILL BE ACCEPTED. STUDENTS MUST SPEAK WHEN CALLED. Students who do not speak when called will earn a zero for the assignment. 


Informative Speech & Outline Rubric (100 points – 4 citations) (1)Informative Speech & Outline Rubric (100 points – 4 citations) (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction – AttentionCaptured attention of audience.5 ptsFull Marks3 ptsPartial Credit0 ptsNo Credit5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction – Thesis StatementClearly and explicitly introduced audience to topic.5 ptsFull Marks3 ptsPartial Credit0 ptsNo Credit5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction – TopicTopic is interesting to the audience, meaning the speaker provided new information on a familiar topic or presented a new topic/idea to audience.5 ptsFull Marks3 ptsPartial Credit0 ptsNo Credit5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody – Main PointsMain points were clearly identifiable and logically presented to audience.15 ptsFull Marks3 clearly identified main points.10 ptsPartial CreditMain points presented but not well ordered/designed.5 ptsSome Creditattempted main points but poorly structured.0 ptsNo Marks15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody – Signposts/SummariesTransitions between intro, main points, and conclusion.4 ptsFull MarksTransition cleanly from intro to body/MP1, MP1 to MP2, MP2 to MP3, MP3 to conclusion.3 ptsAttempted all four transitionsNot clean, misworded.2 ptsSome CreditMissed some transitions.1 ptsMinimal CreditMissed most transitions.0 ptsNo Marks4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody – CitationsFull citations provided with source (who and where), date/recency (when), and the information (what).8 pts4 Complete Citations2 points for each full citation.6 pts3 Complete Citations4 pts2 citations2 pts1 Citation0 ptsNo Marks8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody – ValueInformation in speech valuable to audience, either applicable to them or really interesting.3 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDelivery – Held AttentionEffectively used attention getting techniques and visual/audio aids to continuously engage audience.5 ptsFull Marks3 ptsPartial Credit0 ptsNo Marks5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDelivery – VoiceEffectively used rate, pitch, and volume in delivery of speech.5 ptsFull Marks3 ptsPartial Credit0 ptsNo Marks5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDelivery – Attitude Energy EmotionDemonstrated passion for topic and emotionally appropriate delivery.5 ptsFull Marks5 ptsPartial Credit0 ptsNo Marks5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion – Summarized & CreativeSummarized main points and concluded in a memorable/creative way.10 ptsFull Marks5 ptsSome Credit0 ptsNo Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeMet the 4-6 minute time limit.5 ptsFull MarksWithin 4-6 minutes2 ptsWithin 30 seconds-1 ptsFar over or under time.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOutlineOrganized, full sentences, all components provided.25 ptsFull Marks15 ptsPartial Credit0 ptsNo Marks25 pts
Total Points: 100

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