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Module 4 And 5 Continuation Of Previous Assignment

Module 4 And 5 Continuation Of Previous Assignment

EMERGENCY ASSIGNMENT DUE 2/4 by 10pm EST in 14 hours from now

All sources must be cited in APA format

Once module 4 is completed you must use Module 4 to complete module 5

Module 4 is completed by using the module 3 completed assignment.

I will attach the module 3 completed assignment and the instructions for modules 4 and module 5. Module 3 completed assignment will be added in the study area once bid has been accepted



Science starts with a question, which is then transformed into a hypothesis that can be tested. This is how scientific knowledge is created. In this activity, you will write your own hypothesis that relates to your finalized research question. 


Use the provided Module Four Activity Template Word Document to complete this assignment. You will use the research question you revised in the previous module to write a hypothesis. Refer to the module overview and resources for helpful information about how to write effective hypotheses.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Write your hypothesis phrased as an if/then statement.
    • Make sure the relationship between the variables that you are predicting is clear.
  • Explain how your hypothesis directly relates to your finalized research question.
  • Explain how your hypothesis is testable.
    • Make sure research methods could be used to determine the accuracy of the prediction (i.e., could it be accepted or rejected?).
  • Explain how your hypothesis is falsifiable
    • It must be possible to prove the hypothesis wrong.



Ethical questions and dilemmas frequently occur during scientific research. Examining ethical issues and considering how you would approach the situation is a useful exercise in critical thinking. It will help you be a more critical and informed consumer of information. In this activity, you will describe an ethical issue that relates to the main idea of the news story you have been working with throughout the course. You will need to conduct outside research, such as searching the Shapiro Library databases, in order to identify a relevant ethical issue.


Use the provided Module Five Activity Template Word Document  to complete this assignment. Using the module resources as inspiration, identify an ethical issue, question, or dilemma relevant to the main idea of your chosen news story. This might include bias in research, the impact of politics on science, research funding sources, objectivity in science, or the spread of scientific misinformation. For example, you could discuss possible tensions between scientists and their funding sources with regards to publicity and media involvement.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Describe an ethical issue that relates to the main idea of your chosen news story.
  • Explain how bias, beliefs, assumptions, or values relate to your chosen ethical issue.
    • This might include funding bias or publication bias, conflicting values between the sponsoring organization and the research agenda, the assumptions of the general public impacting how science is interpreted, or scientists’ beliefs affecting the research questions they ask.
  • Explain how your chosen ethical issue may impact (or has impacted) how research is conducted on the main idea of your chosen news story.
    • This could include the research questions and hypotheses scientists can test, the methods they can use to collect or analyze data, who they can collaborate with, where they publish their research, or the funding that is available.
  • Explain how your chosen ethical issue may impact (or has impacted) advancements in the field of study.
    • This might include the technology that can be developed, the knowledge that can be generated, or the problems that can be solved.

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