Some Rubric
AsGS.PHYS210L.PO1.LO1PO1. Develop competencies in the key concepts in the science disciplines. LO1. Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of physics concepts and laboratory methods and practices in the areas of measurement, vector motion, momentum and energy, wave and fluid properties and thermodynamics; Masters at 3 indicates 70% or higher score.
threshold: 3.0 pts
5 pts Exceeds Expectations
PO2. Apply the process of science using quantitative reasoning, modeling and technology.
LO2. Record, graph, chart and interpret data obtained from experimentation.
Masters at 3 indicates 70% or higher score.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAsGS.PHYS210L.PO2.LO3PO2. Apply the process of science using quantitative reasoning, modeling and technology. LO3. Use the scientific method to interpret and statistically evaluate experimental results and to write concise and comprehensive laboratory reports. Masters at 3 indicates 70% or higher score.
threshold: 3.0 pts
5 ptsExceeds Expectations
PO2. Apply the process of science using quantitative reasoning, modeling and technology.
LO3. Use the scientific method to interpret and statistically evaluate experimental results and to write concise and comprehensive laboratory reports.
Masters at 3 indicates 70% or higher score.