DCDEE Website: Child Maltreatment-50 points
Go to this link: https://ncchildcare.ncdhhs.gov/Parent/File-a-Child-Care-Program-Complaint
Read the information on that page.
- Define child maltreatment then list 4 examples of issues of child maltreatment that parents may report.
- List 3 things that the Division of Child Development and Early Education does not have authority over.
- Define Serious Injury and give five examples.
- What is the total number of serious injuries and fatalities that occurred in licensed child care facilities in 2020-2021? *Note, this includes centers, homes, and religious sponsored facilities* Include a breakdown as follows:
- Licensed Family Child Care Homes ___ fatalities and ___ serious injuries
- Licensed Child Care Centers ___ fatalities and ___ serious injuries
- Licensed – Exempt Religious Sponsored ___ fatalities and ___ serious injuries