Task 1: Give summary from the following Links/Articles/Videos-3-4 paragraphs.(please see attached files, reading links and Video Links)-Attached File-Analysis assignment in team no need to do the assignment but just give what we can learn from these type of assignment
Use task 2 Posts as references-Please don’t copy paste the same.
Reading Links:
Video Links:
Task 2:
Please give comments(2-3 paragraphs) for the below two posts made by other teammates
Post 1:
This week’s assignment allowed me to reflect on previous sports teams I have been on throughout my career. I was able to look at the characteristics of successful teams and non-successful teams that I have been a part of. The difference between successful and non-successful teams was communication and leadership. Successful teams know how to communicate between individuals and leaders set the example for how to work to be successful. This summary ties into my three takeaways for this week. My main takeaway from this week is how individuals communicate can be more efficient than the message. Dr. Alex Pentland explained in the article that understanding how to efficiently communicate with each individual is important. The second takeaway from this week is that every successful team has leaders that set an example, build relationships to help understand how to push others, and communicate effectively. Successful businesses or teams always have a key leader that leads the group and their characteristics through others. Lastly, successful teams must make trust a priority. Individuals must be able to trust each other to complete their tasks and be honest about issues or situations. This trust is built through teamwork and team bonding activities, this is where people can learn how each individual works and their characteristics. If there is a lack of trust among individuals on the team it will cause issues from conflicts. Building a successful team is a process and does not happen overnight. The components of successful teams are communication, trust, and relationships.
Brock Webber
Post 2:
Hi All,
Talking about any organization’s success stories always there are many factors go into practice. In my opinion, one of the most important of all is to have great, efficient teamwork irrespective of what kind of an organization it might be. First, I would like to talk about “The Five Dysfunctions of Teams” pyramid by Patrick Lencioni. In my last class, Employee Engagement we read this book and it was a wonderful read with a real-world story explaining how important Trust among the co-workers can not be over emphasized even from the video we saw this week “Trust in Leadership”. No other factors or steps matter if there is no trust. Conflict sound like bad thing but for real, having a good fight is healthy for anyone in any relation otherwise there won’t be any commitment. Just like we also saw in the video “How Management Team can have a Good Fight” by following the 6 Tactics (work with more information, Have multiple alternatives, establish common goals, inject humor, maintain balanced corporate power or hierarchy). If an employee feels like there is no value for their input or argues about ideas then they won’t see point in committing for the idea which isn’t theirs. If there is no commitment, then there won’t be accountability. No person takes responsibility if that’s not their idea or for which they haven’t worked for or committed for. If there isn’t accountability then that affects the outcome, which is the final goal for any organization. All these functions are interdependent.
Having a productive meeting by using a plan, considering who gets affected with a decision, communicating with them, and getting the feedback, showing empathy, understanding the purpose of a meeting and outcomes of the decision, then testing the plan and checking the impact of the plan is great idea.
Whether it is science or not, how to have a productive team in organizations is very important. Clearly according to Alex Pentland from the article “The New Science Of Building Great Teams” way/pattern anything is communicated is more important than the matter itself. How face-to-face communication is more efficient than texting or emails. The key elements of communication that affect team performance are Energy, Engagement and Exploration. Also, having rituals at work impacts the performance like the author in the article “Rituals at Work: Teams that play together stay together” mentioned.
Dhatri Alla