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My topic: how common is substance abuse among teens

This assignment requires you to search electronic databases that specialize in scholarly journals. Some of these include Academic Search Complete, Psych INFO, Social Work Abstracts and MEDLINE (you are not limited to these databases, but they are a good starting point).

  1. Select      a social work topic of interest to you (e.g., the relationship between      alcohol use and suicide). Based on your topic, create a research question      (e.g., what is the relationship between alcohol use and suicide in adult      males?).  See list of sample      research questions below.
  2. Identify      the independent (e.g., alcohol use) and dependent variables (e.g., suicide      completion).
  3. Locate three (3) quantitative      research studies (articles) from scholarly journals relevant to your research question      using any of the databases stated above. These studies cannot be literature reviews or meta-analyses.
  4. Describe      your topic and the database(s) you used to locate the study (article). Write a short paragraph (a couple of sentences)      about each article describing the findings (relevant to your research      question), the independent and dependent variables in each study, and the      sample size. 

Reporting findings:

Report findings in two ways:

1) Provide a direct quotation of results reported in the study.

2) Paraphrase the results.

Please use the following format:

Study 1:

Direct quotation of findings

Paraphrase findings

Study 2:

Direct quotation of findings

Paraphrase findings

Study 3:

Direct quotation of findings

Paraphrase findings

  1. Provide      the full citation      of the article using APA formatting style.

Searching Using Electronic Databases

Library Website

–Electronic Information

–Library Databases

–Choose a database (e.g., Psych Info, Academic Search Complete).

Example of APA Citations of Articles:

Leventhal, T. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2000). The neighborhoods they live in: The effects of neighborhood residence on child and adolescent outcomes. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 309-337.

Example of using authors’ name in text:

Leventhal and Brooks-Gunn (2000) found…

Example of Citing a Direct Quote:

“There’s no place like home” (Dorothy & Toto, 2009, p. 365)

Example of Paraphrasing Another’s Work

My house is a truly unique location (Dorothy & Toto, 2009).

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