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Project Paper/Presentation Submittal

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This week you will submit your paper and presentation that was outlined in week 1, the details are below:

Complete and submit the class Project Paper and Presentation – see details below
Project Paper and Presentation: (Post them under Week 8 Assignment area as a Microsoft Word document and a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation . You must include at least ten references.

Details of the Project:

Research and select a current trend in the area of telecommunications. Prepare a 10-15 page paper in Microsoft Word (counts as 11% of the final grade) AMU approved APA format (see Writing@APUS in the Resources Center) (350 words per page). At a minimum include the following:

  • Detailed description of the area researched
  • Technology involved in the area
  • Future trends in the area
  • Example companies involved in the area
  • Regulatory issues surrounding the area
  • Global implications for the area
  • References (minimum of 10)

i. Prepare a 10-12 slide Microsoft PowerPoint highlighting the content from the paper.(Counts as 5% of the final grade)

ii. You are only required to submit a final paper and presentation. However, during the previous six weeks, you will be assembling the research paper and presentation. Feel free to post questions or portions of the paper for review at any time as an email to your professor.

iii. As part of your presentation you will be required to record voice overs in your presentation. Each slide should have a voice narration explaining the slide and adding any additional content you feel is appropriate. You can find out how to do voice overs from this web site

iii. You may use resources from the APUS Online Library, any library, government library, or any peer-reviewed reference (Wikipedia and any other publicly-reviewed source is not accepted). The paper must by at least 10 pages double-spaced, 1″ margin all around, black 12 point fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier) with correct citations of all utilized references/sources, (pictures, graphics, etc are extra – allowed but extra for the minimum page count). The title page and references are also required but don’t count in the minimum page count. The PowerPoint of 10-12 slides is a summary of this paper. No new topics, ideas or concepts are introduced in the PowerPoint that is not included in the paper. A minimum of 10 references are needed. The paper will be subjected to checking against plagiarism.

iv. The required number of pages do not include title or references pages – although these must be included with the paper.

V. Course paper will be submitted to to check for plagiarism. Turnitin is built into the Sakai classroom. The paper must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% max originality index, and 2% per individual source match are allowed). Students are permitted to submit their paper multiple times to get their originality score down. If paper exceeds the 15% max on originality on final submission during grading instructor reserves the right to report the student for plagiarism.

Paper Grading Criteria

Paper Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Appropriate use of terms, correct spelling and grammar


Uses external resources validating position with applicable knowledge


Completion of required tasks


Compliance with APA Style Formatting


 Total Points:


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