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The thread must be a minimum of 200-400 words. MINIMUM OF TWO SOURCES BESIDES THE TEXTBOOK. Must cite at least 2 sources in addition to the Bible. TEXTBOOK: Bennett, B. T. (2018). Understanding,...

Respond to Peter Post

Sloppy Police Work Is the Primary Reason for Wrongful Convictions Hello Everyone, I believe sloppy police work will lead to wrongful convictions, just as with any job mistakes in the workplace cause...

Respond to Sierra Post CJ140

Hello all! I agree that an ineffective presentation by a single witness can lead to a potential acquittal, regardless of all other evidence. The jury is looking to the witness for details of the...

Respond to Christina Post Cj140

Hi Class, I do believe that an ineffective presentation by a single witness can lead to a potential acquittal, regardless of all other evidence. I think this is because it’s easier for other people...

Analyzing Judicial Decisions

Discuss whether judicial decisions are based on a) facts, laws, and precedent (the legal subculture); b) public opinion, politics, localism (democratic subculture); or c) both. Provide specific...

Discussion Post

Chapter 10 of your textbook identifies and describes 13 of these common inmate roles including: The Real Man. The Mean Dude. The Bully. The Agitator. The Hedonist. The Opportunist. The Retreatist....