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Popular Questions - >Social Science homework help


******MUST READ ALL BEFORE ACCEPTING**** Total (2) Respond to classmates 100 minimum each response ***Please include the name of the person to whom your responding. ***Your response needs to be...

The Just City

Plato and Al-Farabi both thought that a just city should be ruled by a philosopher. What factors determine whether a government will make good decisions? Do you agree with Plato and Al-Farabi that...


Topic:  Images of women  Make a clear and brief explanation of the KWL. K-  what you already know about the topic. W-  what you would like to know more on the topic, how does the topic reinforce or...

Group Discussion

  After you read these selections, think about the theories of class, stratification and power discussed by Collins. Then work on answering these questions: Both Memmi and Fanon draw categorical...

Basic Concepts

  Short Assignment & Discussion Question: Watch the above clip: Then, answer the following question(s): Which are the three paradigms in...

Environmental Injustice

Choose your case study (one city outside of the 50 states of the U.S. and excluding its territories) and topic (e.g. water, infrastructure, air pollution, climate adaptation… see the syllabus...